How to get there?

Ciribaí Praia Hotel

Rua dos Jacarandás, 165 – Praia de Paúba (1.5 km from Maresias)

São Sebastião – North Coast – São Paulo – Brasil

Ciribaí Praia Hotel is located 157 kilometers from Guarulhos International Airport

Detailed itinerary:

Paúba belongs to the municipality of São Sebastião, is located at km 151 of Highway SP 55 (Rio Santos Highway) and is less than 1.5 km from Maresias.

Distances from Paúba

:: São Paulo, 178 km
:: Guarulhos Airport, 157 km
:: Ribeirão Preto, 475 km
:: Caraguatatuba, 53 km
:: Campinas, 254 km
:: Santos, 104 km
:: Rio de Janeiro, 417 km
:: São José dos Campos, 134 km
:: São Sebastião, 25 km

Detailed itinerary from São Paulo

Alternative 1: Via the Anchieta/Imigrantes System
Downhill via the Anchieta or Imigrantes highways, heading towards Guarujá via Piaçaguera. At km 248 of the Piaçaguera Guarujá Highway, just after the toll booth, take the SP 55 Highway (Rio Santos Highway) towards Bertioga / São Sebastião.

Alternative 2: Via the Mogi Bertioga Highway
Leave São Paulo via the Ayrton Senna Highway. In Mogi das Cruzes, take the Mogi Bertioga Highway, which ends at km 215 of the SP 55 Highway (Rio Santos Highway).

When on the SP 55 (Rio Santos), you will pass several beaches, including the beaches of Boracéia, Juqueí, Boiçucanga and Maresias. 1.5 km after Maresias, you will arrive in Paúba, at km 151 of the Rio Santos Highway.

You will enter via a paved road, the only entrance to Paúba. After passing the first speed bump, you will find a fork in the road ahead, where you will see a sign for the Ciribaí Praia Hotel, indicating that you should turn left at the fork. Walk another 100 m and you will be at the hotel.

Paúba is a very cozy fishing village. The beach, as well as the hotel, are located away from the highway, allowing residents and visitors to enjoy the place in complete safety and tranquility…

We wish you a good trip and look forward to seeing you!

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